
Twelve Week Metabolic Makeover utilizing Metagenics(TM) Medical Food and Vitamin Supplementation

  • Initial Evaluation(medical history, hormonal status, metabolic health, nutritional lifestyle habits, body fat percentage, blood work and other variables) by Dr. Weiss
  • Strict Supervised Diet Plan Measured for Success (medical food and vitamin supplementation sold separately)
  • Weekly Nutritional Counseling Sessions with a Health Educator or Support Staff
  • Weekly Bio-impedance – Body Fat Analysis (Measurements every 6 Weeks)
  • Access to Health Educators During Normal Business Hours
  • At Home But Not Alone’ Program – Weekly Phone Sessions
  • Appetite Suppressants (patients must qualify for appetite suppressants)
  • Medical Grade Nutritional Supplementation
  • Weekly B-Complex Injections

What is FirstLine Therapy?

Nutrition and Lifestyle: Two Powerful Ingredients for Chronic Disease Management

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), chronic diseases are the leading causes of death and disability in the U.S. These illnesses are responsible for 7 of every 10 deaths, affect the quality of life of 90 million Americans, and consume 78% of all health care expenditures.
Because a wide variety of these conditions are caused by unhealthy lifestyle habits, national clinical guidelines for their management advocate a multifactorial lifestyle approach designated “therapeutic lifestyle changes” or “TLC.”
FirstLine Therapy (FLT) is a comprehensive TLC program that will provide patients with the knowledge they need to make healthy lifestyle choices each day going forward. Helping patients adopt a therapeutic lifestyle is the first and arguably the most important therapy doctors can use to treat many chronic health problems.


Lifestyle-Related Chronic Health Problems

  • Elevated Cholesterol
  • Elevated Blood Pressure
  • Cardiovascular Disease
  • Overweight/Obesity
  • Type II Diabetes
  • Insulin Resistance or Metabolic Syndrome
  • Osteoarthritis
  • Conditions Related to Aging

Dr. Weiss’ nutrition program along with Metagenics(TM) The FirstLine Therapy Program allows us to treat patients with any of these above conditions more effective than with diet alone.